...elusive balance...
I find myself with a growing aversion to Facebook. This world is fraught with negativity, contention, and intolerance (among a billion other things that serve to tear down our spirits) so why come to a place that essentially has become a negativity-freebaser's dream. People hide behind the "anonymity" of the keyboard, the distance of the wireless connection, and the faux confidence that swells in us all when we feel we can share from our own personal pedestal - social media. Nope, I am not an innocent party to this, rather I am striving to learn how weigh others against he same scale upon which I find myself. Perhaps that is the difference. "Cast ye the first stone..." and I used to walk around with an armful. Still I catch myself gathering, on occasion, but to what end? None. We must learn to gaze upon our own reflection from a position that others may see us. Not to the loss of our own morals, identities, and uniqueness. No, truly, it takes all kinds. I do feel, however, if people stepped outside themselves with more frequency we could identify those things that make us so similar...starting with baseline humanity. We very likely will have the living crap scared right out of us in what we find in some people. No one says we have to embrace it, either. However, we will be far more prepared to respond and handle those things that truly are intolerable.